Be Hope!
Promotion of volunteering through the open lingvistic competition
Slovenian volunteers have no verb describing their work, actring, performance. They use longer description of few words or they use english "volunteering". This situation makes starting point of the campaign - creating new verb for voluntary work.
In open competition, runnning on facebook, could
participateanyone , anyone should help volunteers and make something good for them, anyone can be the hope of volunteering in Slovenia.
Campaign itself and taking a part in competition is the essence of voluntary work. Anyone can be the hope -"UP" in slovenian. The word Up is used in both meaning, slovenian and english, making twist through switching between meanings (Bodi UP mean Be hope, but also Slevenes read that with english meaning on mind).  Call to action is amplified by "modernistic" visual, very aplicable and useful  through the variety of adaptations. Traditional "revolutional" design (created by studio Felicijan Sedmak) in new look speaks to wide society,  communication message is accented in subline "Vstani in ostani" (get up, stand up), very known quotation of Primož Trubar, in 15th century one of the first slovenian linguists.
Communication is build aroung facebook aplication, through which people suggest their verbs and enter competition, and uses TV spot (created in cooperation with stand-up comedian Pižama),  outdoor, on-line advertising, print, leaflets and promotional t-shirts and wristbands. Special part presents essey for mid-school students.
Be Hope!


Be Hope!

Idea making, creative direction and copywriting.
